Roman Holiday

After all the dillydally, the dawdling and delay, the hopeless scenario, the doubts, the patience and avidity, feeling despondent, and the desperation, the eagerness and thirst to undergo immersion, at last, we had been deployed. On Monday, January 28, 2018, we started our first day of immersion.

There is nothing to say, nothing to elaborate about. Nothing to draw, nothing more to state. Words mean nothing, letters are just mere letters and sentences are loose pieces of puzzle—jumbled as disarranged. The place, over all, was welcoming and warm, filled with emotions gurgling and surging. The ambience was light, mild and delicate. And people reminded me of faces I usually see when I got home nifty, hospitable, and dope.

I remember the time when I walked in, my heart was swelling from happiness at the same time there were sirens in every beat of my heart. The feeling was happy-sad, dark-light, a contrast, grey, excitement, skittery and spasmodic. Exhilarated because finally we were going to start our immersion and nervous of what was about to happen the following days. The jumpy unpredictable and unprecedented events may either make or break me—us.

Well, I can tell you that it’s worth the delay—holdback, the patience is paid-off. I am fond and delighted of what I am doing. I am doing what I love, which is writing. For me, the course is like having a roman holiday—a relishing adventure, thrilling journey and flabbergasting voyage.


  1. Reality hits me so hard. What really happened back there in the work immersion venue was not the things I've expected. So disappointing.

  2. Somehow all we can do is to hope that it would get better in time.


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